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NEET 2025 Biology Weightage

Want to score 650+ in NEET 2025? Understanding the NEET Biology chapter-wise weightage is crucial for smart preparation. This guide provides the latest Botany & Zoology weightage, helping you focus on high-scoring topics. Learn important chapters, syllabus breakdown, and expert tips to boost your NEET score and secure your medical seat efficiently.

NEET 2025 Biology Chapter-Wise Weightage: Must-Know Chapters to Secure Your Medical Seat

Many aspiring students in India aspire to pass the National Eligibility Entrance Test (NEET). To turn this ambition into a reality, proper preparation is essential. 

As part of that preparation, you should clearly understand the syllabus and its weightage. Since NEET is primarily focused on medicine, biology is the core subject. 

So, if you want to secure 650+ marks in NEET and get into the best medical colleges, you’ll need to better understand NEET 2025 Biology weightage. 

The National Testing Agency (NTA) has recently issued the chapter-by-chapter weightage for NEET 2025, which will serve as an excellent study guide. Consider it a map to help you make the best use of your study time. 

Understanding which chapters are more important allows you to focus on them and improve your chances of getting into your selected medical institution. In this blog, we’ll discuss the NEET Biology chapter-wise weightage 2025 helping you score higher in NEET.

NEET 2025 Biology Complete Chapter Wise Syllabus

UNIT 1: Diversity in Living WorldWhat is living?Biodiversity; Need for classification; Taxonomy & Systematics; Concept of species and taxonomical hierarchy; Binomial nomenclature.
Five kingdom classificationSalient features and classification of Monera, Protista, and Fungi; Lichens; Viruses and Viroids.
Classification of PlantsAlgae, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms (three to five salient and distinguishing features with at least two examples of each).
Classification of AnimalsNon-chordate up to phyla level and chordate up to class level (three to five salient features with at least two examples).
UNIT 2: Structural Organisation in Animals and PlantsMorphology and ModificationsTissues; Anatomy and functions of different parts of flowering plants – root, stem, leaf, inflorescence (cymose and racemose), flower, fruit, and seed.
Family ClassificationMalvaceae, Cruciferae, Leguminosae, Compositae, Graminae.
Animal TissuesMorphology, anatomy, and functions of digestive, circulatory, respiratory, nervous, and reproductive systems of an insect (Frog) (Brief account only).
UNIT 3: Cell Structure and FunctionCell TheoryCell as the basic unit of life; Structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells; Plant cell and animal cell.
Cell ComponentsCell envelope, cell membrane, cell wall, organelles (structure and function), endomembrane system (ER, Golgi bodies, lysosomes, vacuoles), mitochondria, ribosomes, plastids, microbodies.
Cytoskeleton & MovementCilia, flagella, centrioles (ultra-structure and function).
NucleusNuclear membrane, chromatin, nucleolus.
BiomoleculesStructure and function of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids.
EnzymesTypes, properties, enzyme action, classification, and nomenclature.
Cell DivisionCell cycle, mitosis, meiosis, and their significance.
UNIT 4: Plant PhysiologyPhotosynthesisAutotrophic nutrition; Site of photosynthesis; Pigments; Photochemical & biosynthetic phases; Cyclic and non-cyclic photophosphorylation; Chemiosmotic hypothesis; Photorespiration; C3 and C4 pathways; Factors affecting photosynthesis.
RespirationExchange of gases; Cellular respiration (glycolysis, fermentation, TCA cycle, electron transport system); Energy relations (ATP generation); Amphibolic pathways; Respiratory quotient.
Plant Growth & DevelopmentSeed germination; Phases of growth; Conditions of growth; Differentiation, dedifferentiation, and redifferentiation; Growth regulators (auxin, gibberellin, cytokinin, ethylene, ABA).
UNIT 5: Human PhysiologyBreathing & RespirationRespiratory system in humans; Mechanism of breathing; Exchange & transport of gases; Regulation of respiration; Respiratory disorders (Asthma, Emphysema, Occupational respiratory disorders).
CirculationBlood composition; Blood groups; Coagulation; Lymph composition and function; Human circulatory system (heart, blood vessels); Cardiac cycle, output, ECG, Double circulation; Cardiac regulation; Circulatory disorders (Hypertension, Coronary artery disease, Angina, Heart failure).
ExcretionModes of excretion (Ammonotelism, Ureotelism, Uricotelism); Human excretory system (structure and function); Urine formation, Osmoregulation; Kidney regulation (Renin-Angiotensin, ANF, ADH, Diabetes insipidus); Excretory disorders (Uraemia, Renal failure, Renal calculi, Nephritis, Dialysis).
Locomotion & MovementTypes of movement (ciliary, flagellar, muscular); Skeletal muscle (contractile proteins, contraction); Skeletal system and joints; Disorders (Myasthenia gravis, Tetany, Muscular dystrophy, Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Gout).
Neural Control & CoordinationNeurons and nerves; Human nervous system (central, peripheral, visceral); Nerve impulse generation & conduction.
Chemical CoordinationEndocrine glands & hormones; Human endocrine system (Hypothalamus, Pituitary, Pineal, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Adrenal, Pancreas, Gonads); Hormone action; Disorders (Dwarfism, Acromegaly, Cretinism, Goiter, Diabetes, Addison’s disease).
UNIT 6: ReproductionSexual Reproduction in PlantsFlower structure; Male & female gametophyte development; Pollination (types, agents); Outbreeding devices; Pollen-Pistil interaction; Double fertilization; Post-fertilization events (endosperm & embryo development, seed & fruit formation); Special modes (apomixis, parthenocarpy, polyembryony).
Human ReproductionMale & female reproductive systems; Microscopic anatomy (testis & ovary); Gametogenesis (spermatogenesis, oogenesis); Menstrual cycle; Fertilization, embryo development, implantation; Pregnancy, placenta formation, parturition, lactation.
Reproductive HealthNeed for reproductive health; STD prevention; Birth control methods; Contraception; Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP); Amniocentesis; Infertility & Assisted Reproductive Technologies (IVF, ZIFT, GIFT).
UNIT 7: Genetics and EvolutionHeredity & VariationMendelian inheritance; Deviations (Incomplete dominance, Co-dominance, Multiple alleles, Blood groups, Pleiotropy, Polygenic inheritance); Chromosome theory of inheritance; Sex determination (Humans, Birds, Honeybee); Linkage, crossing over, sex-linked inheritance (Haemophilia, Colour blindness); Mendelian disorders (Thalassemia, Down’s syndrome, Turner’s syndrome, Klinefelter’s syndrome).
Molecular Basis of InheritanceDNA & RNA structure; DNA replication, packaging; Central dogma; Transcription, genetic code, translation; Gene regulation (Lac Operon); Human genome project; DNA fingerprinting.
EvolutionOrigin of life; Evidence for evolution; Darwin’s theory; Modern Synthetic Theory; Mechanisms (Mutation, Recombination, Natural Selection, Genetic Drift, Hardy-Weinberg Principle); Adaptive Radiation; Human evolution.
UNIT 8: Biology and Human WelfareHealth & DiseasePathogens & human diseases (Malaria, Filariasis, Ascariasis, Typhoid, Pneumonia, Common cold, Amoebiasis, Ringworm, Dengue, Chikungunya); Immunology concepts; Vaccines; Cancer, HIV/AIDS; Drug & alcohol abuse.
Microbes in Human WelfareRole in food processing, industrial production, sewage treatment, energy generation, biocontrol agents, bio fertilizers.
UNIT 9: Biotechnology and Its ApplicationsPrinciples & ProcessGenetic engineering (Recombinant DNA technology).
ApplicationsBiotechnology in health & agriculture (Human insulin, vaccines, gene therapy, GMOs, Bt crops, transgenic animals); Biosafety (Biopiracy, Patents).
UNIT 10: Ecology and EnvironmentOrganisms & EnvironmentPopulation interactions (Mutualism, Competition, Predation, Parasitism); Population attributes (Growth, Birth rate, Death rate, Age distribution).
EcosystemPatterns, components; Productivity, decomposition, energy flow; Pyramids (Number, Biomass, Energy).
Biodiversity & ConservationBiodiversity concepts, patterns, importance, loss, conservation; Hotspots, endangered species, extinction, Red Data Book, biosphere reserves, national parks, sanctuaries, sacred groves.

NEET 2025 Biology Weigtage

If you want to score 650+ and get into the best medical college then understanding the NEET chapter-wise weightage of the Biology syllabus is crucial. A well-planned study strategy ensures that you focus on high-scoring topics while covering the entire syllabus comprehensively.

NEET Chapter Wise Weightage 2025 for Botany
Chapters/TopicsWeightage (%)
Biodiversity and Conservation4%
Anatomy of Flowering Plants7%
Cell: The Unit of Life5%
Respiration in Plants4%
Microbes in Human Welfare4%
Cell Cycle and Cell Division9%
Molecular Basis of Inheritance14%
Principles of Inheritance and Variation10%
Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants6%
Morphology of Flowering Plants6%
Plant Growth and Development6%
The Living World1%
Plant Kingdom7%
Biological Classification3%
Organisms and Populations4%
Photosynthesis in Higher Plants4%
NEET Chapter Wise Weightage 2025 for Zoology
Chapters/TopicsWeightage (%)
Structural Organisation in Animals (Animal Tissues)8%
Locomotion and Movement6%
Body Fluids and Circulation5%
Human Reproduction6%
Breathing and Exchange of Gases4%
Excretory Products and their Elimination5%
Reproductive Health8%
Biotechnology – Principles and Processes12%
Human Health and Disease6%
Biotechnology and its Applications7%
Animal Kingdom13%
Neural Control and Coordination2%
Chemical Coordination and Integration4%


In summary, the NEET 2025 syllabus has evolved and biology is an important subject, as it encompasses topics such as genetics, ecology, and human physiology. Not only that it also encompasses high marks. With a detailed NEET 2025 Biology Weightage layout you’ll be able to study smartly and effectively. 

However, despite a clear understanding of the NEET Biology weightage clearing the NEET 2025 examination is not easy. That’s why it’s a good idea to get help from the top NEET coaching in Sikar as part of your NEET 2025 preparation strategy. So, utilize the NEET 2025 Biology Weightage markup and you’ll thrive in NEET 2025.


What is the weightage of Biology in NEET 2025?
It weighs about 50% of the total marks in NEET 2025 making it the most important subject

How is the NEET Biology syllabus divided?
The syllabus is divided into Botany and Zoology. It is also divided into 10 units, which cover all the important topics.

Are NCERTs enough for NEET preparation?
Yes, NCERT books are a good starting point for NEET preparation. However, it’s a good idea to explore other standard books in your preparation journey.

Why should I know the chapter wise weightage of biology for NEET 2025?
It’s important because it helps you allocate your time better, improve your efficiency, focus on high-scoring topics, and practice more questions from frequently tested chapters.